Facial Aesthetics (Fillers, Botox)
Wrinkles in the mid face are often a reflection of what is happening inside our mouth. When our teeth are misaligned, worn or missing, they are unable to support our facial muscles in a desirable way. This loss of support can lead to collapse of the facial tissues resulting in wrinkles.
Christchurch Boutique Dental are experts in cosmetic treatments for the face, and we understand the crucial relationship between facial aesthetics and how they interact with your dental health.
We offer a range of treatment options, including fillers & Botox, and provide a relaxing, friendly environment for your cosmetic treatments in our Riccarton clinic.
Make a booking today to begin cosmetic treatments at the Christchurch Boutique dental and cosmetic clinic.
Facial Rejuvenation / Fillers

- Bio-stimulation
- Restoring Skin Suppleness
Areas of Application
- Rhino modelling
- Cheekbones
- Cheeks
- Eyebags
- Nasolabial folds
- Lip profile correction
- Lip enhancement
- Wrinkles & frown lines
- Neck and necklines
- Immediate results
- Achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation
- Restore tissue volume
- Correction of facial contour
- Stimulate production of collagen for restoring tonicity and elasticity of the skin

How are Hyaluronic Acids Adminstered?
Hyaluronic acid (commonly known as fillers) is injected into the skin defect with a fine needle. In most cases, the improvement is seen immediately but the degree of impact depends largely on the degree of volume loss and depth of wrinkle before treatment.

Muscle Relaxant – Botox Treatment
Wrinkles aren’t your style and neither is the “frozen look”. For adults who want a natural look, Botulinum Toxin Type A have proven to help smooth the appearance of moderate to severe wrinkles in the upper face for adults under 65 years of age.
Type A Botulinum Toxin or Botox is a purified protein derived from Clostridium Botulinum bacteria, which acts to reduce muscle activity. It was first used in the 1960s to treat motor disorders and involuntary muscular spasms such as cerebral palsy and furthered developed for cosmetic use.
Christchurch Boutique Dental use only pharmaceuticals with proven safety records, and Dysport has been available in New Zealand for close to two decades, being the first Type A botulinum toxin (Botox) to be approved in the country for medical use.
Areas of application
- Wrinkles in the mid and upper face
- Blepharospasm
- Gummy smiles
- Teeth grinding (bruxism) and clenching
- TMJ pain
Not suitable if you are:
- Pregnant or breastfeeding
- Allergic to cow’s milk protein
- Have a skin infection at the planned injection site
- Under 18 years of age
- Allergic to any botulinum toxin products
How is Botox Administered?
Small doses of Botox are injected into marked sites with ultra fine needles. This allows any possible adverse effects to be minimised and achieve the most natural looking results. We advocate treatment over two appointments. The effects of muscle relaxants will be noticed within a few days and consolidated over the next two weeks. A second appointment is required to review the progress and fine tune areas where required.